Scope of the Project

The project will be carried out in Kigoma region, mostly Buhigwe district.  Kasumo, Kalege, Kajana, Mwanga and Buhoro villages, within Kasumo parish, have been earmarked. The project will make use of village communities in performing various project activities. The project will be conducted for 3 years after which it is hoped that villagers will start seeing some positive elements resulting from its implementation. We have begun with the acquired 20 acres, near Kasumo, where we plan to plant at least 3,000 tree this year, mixed between timber and fruit trees. For this number of trees, the spacing is small [dense] but this is purposely chosen [from experience] to cater for loss due to termites and drying. Thinning can also be practiced in the future, depending on growth.
The tree planting will go hand in hand with the expansion of the started garden, so that beginning 2021 we will produce our own seedlings [tree and vegetable] for planting and for availing them to villagers for their personal fields and gardens. The scope of the project is to train as many villagers as possible in view of environmental issues, so that it becomes a spirit and interest of as many people around as possible to have all “naked” places covered with vegetation. We hope to see water sources protected, bush fires reduced, and planned harvest of trees practiced.

Planning for land use is becoming increasingly necessary, as mentioned earlier. So this project begins within the traditional way of individual decision of how to use the available land for one’s livelihood, but communal and participatory use is focused so that in the course of this project portions of land will be properly allocated.

Project Area

Buhigwe District is one of the eight districts of the Kigoma Region of Tanzania. It is one of the 20 new districts that were formed in Tanzania since 2010; it was split off from Kasulu Rural District. Buhigwe District is bordered to the north by Burundi, to the east by Kasulu Rural District and Kasulu Urban District, and to the west by Kigoma Rural District. Its administrative seat is the town of Buhigwe. As of 2012, Buhigwe District was administratively divided into 15 wards, but for now the focus will be Kajana, Muyama wards. Buhoro and Mwanga villages are administratively outside Buhigwe district. The pioneer project will be the 19 acres on Gipfizi hill near Kasumo Village.

Envisaged Implementation Strategy 2

Education of villagers about the importance of improved diets, and how this can be achieved. Use of meetings, seminars and video shows will be scheduled.

Envisaged Implementation Strategy 5

Construct the shortest simple earth road to the Gipfizi [Ndundugwa] hilltop where the demo plot will be established. This will be needed for transportation of heavy materials [manure, seedlings, plastic water tanks, cement…] by vehicles. Currently only foot paths exist.


Consultation will be done through visits and communication with different governmental and non-governmental institutions responsible for natural environmental management and conservation. From them we will expect and seek the necessary permits, information, data, and expertise. We expect that field extension officers in Agriculture and Forestry will be available [from district offices] to provide the necessary guidance. Fr. Aidan Msafiri of Moshi Diocese, who has worked with environmental projects for quite some time now, has given us his word of assurance about the possibility of improving environmentally affected areas

Envisaged Implementation Strategy 3

Motivate villagers and parishioners to implement some project activities, like planting seedlings, weeding and fire break making, through voluntary service.

Envisaged Implementation Strategy

Station a part-time security guard to ward off animal grazers [in view of bush fires and animal foot trumping] and bad intentioned people who, from experience, can jeopardize the humble beginnings of the project.

Photographing and Mapping

This will be achieved through the use of photos and maps that contain information about the real existing situation of the affected areas. Gipfizi and neighbouring hills can be seen in this write up.

Envisaged Implementation Strategy 1

Educate villagers about the dangers of climate change and the resulting environmental destruction and the ways and means to rectify the situation.

Envisaged Implementation Strategy 4

Seek assistance and patronage of the Village Government Head, Ward and District authorities for policies and expertise in the execution of the project.


Kigoma Green Revolution Organization [KGRO]

KGRO Head Office

Junction Road from Kasulu Town Council Office to Serengeti Hotel

P.O. Box 297

District: Kasulu

Ward: Murusi

Region: Kigoma.

Company Status: Non-Governmental Organization

Email Address:

Registration No: ooNGO/R/3141